Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Fantasy.

Fantasy Football that is!

Ok I do realize I am a girl. But I argue that this does not mean that I can't play fantasy football. It also doesn't mean that I don't know anything about football. You see Big and I started dating 4 years ago on the 23rd. Shortly thereafter I was told that I had to have a favorite football team. Actually, this might not be true. Most likely it was the case that I got jealous of all of the football talk around me that I wanted a team of my own so that I could relate in SOME small way to Big and the new friends I was making through them. THUS I picked the New Orleans Saints. And here is why....

Doesn't that make you feel part of something?! For some reason, every man out there thinks that this is the worst reason to be a Saints fan ever. But this commercial taught me respect for my team, it did make me feel apart of something. While I have never been to the the NOLA I feel like I am a Saint. Listen to the song:

"We are traveling in the footsteps
Of those who've gone before
But we'll all be reunited
On a new and sunlit shore

Oh when the saints go marching in
When the saints go marching in
Oh lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in" - Louis Armstrong

And look at their teams... the Chiefs? The 49ers? Not Superbowl Champions!

But anyway, the opening game of the 2010 NFL Season (Saints vs. Vikings) is on and if I get caught blogging during the game I will be called an unfaithful fan. I just got yelled at for listening to LFO during football. Let's go Saints!