A friend of mine started something on her blog that I would like to follow suit on. Go ahead, call me a copy cat but I love the idea. It's called the Friday Five. You can follow hers here, thanks Sara!
1. New job new job I have a new job! I start Monday as a teacher's aide in the Special Ed. classroom in Georgetown Middle School. I cannot possibly begin to express how excited I am! I have wanted to work in a school for as long as I can remember, okay well or at least since high school ish.
2. This means that today was my last day of my previous job. So long BEACON! How I will not miss driving 1.5 hours to work only to find that no one is home. And while they are cute, I will not miss this:
Yeah yeah... just wait for the sound effects...
3. Mom and Dad are coming this weekend! I love my family soooo much! My brother moved to Boston last spring at it has been wonderful being so close to him. Not to mention that every time they come up my Dad gets us all tickets to who ever is in town that weekend. Last time we saw James Taylor and tomorrow we see the GREAT
4. Apples Apples Apples. Applesauce. Apple crisp. cobbler. pie. etc. Fall is in full swing and it is fabulous. Despite the rain, it's a beautiful thing living in New England in October!
5. No fall is complete without the proper footwear! I absolutely love my new brown suede boots! Which looks something like this but we're hardly this expensive, nothing better than a good deal and Gap Outlet!

Have a great weekend everybody! See you monday on my first day of school!
LOVE the Friday Five Erica!!! Congrats on your new job and your last day of work!!! :)