Friday, June 3, 2011

The First Five Minute Friday

A friend of mine started posting five minutes of unedited thoughts every friday. She got the idea, and her topics over from The Gypsy Mama . I absolutely loved the idea. I've said it before but I delete A LOT of the stuff that I right and it's time to let myself go unedited. The thing is that my friend is an English teacher, and a beautiful writer. Me? Well not so much. But here it goes! Five Minute Friday - Every Day.

Every day I wake up before six o'clock in the morning. I hate it, but I do it. So I give myself until exactly six to diddle doddle on the computer. Exactly six is a lie, sometimes I take until 6:03 or 6:07 (orrrr 6:11?) But that is bad, then I am late. But it's me time right?! I justify it a lot... oh goodness my Oprah rerun is so distracting.

That's better! Every day I watch Oprah. Or I used to because now it's reruns and Lord knows I've seen just about every episode. There is something about having a something consistant to do at 4:00 every afternoon. I eat popcorn. Popsecret, homestyle. I eat a whole bag by myself and I usually nap.

Five minutes is up. That's it! Oh goodness - how did this girl write so much! Well, we'll work on it...

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!! SO happy you joined in on the 5 minute Friday fun! This is what it's all about - just let yourself go, uninhibitedly. I'm so proud of you for joining - keep it up! I am humbled by your praise, sweet friend. I'm undeserving, but thank you.
